2000-2024 and beyond…
2020 COVID-19 Pandemic has changed the way that Centro Latino outreach to the Latino immigrant, refugee and the general public.
March 5 2020, Centro Latino stopped in-person interaction with the general public and closed the doors to help mitigate the spread of the virus.
Centro Latino continued serving the community by phone calls, texts, messenger and Zoom meetings.
The monthly Board meeting went immediately online via Zoom and interpreting and translation services, English classes, Spanish classes and tutoring are offered online at this time by the University of Missouri Office of Service Learning volunteers and interns.
In October 2020 Centro Latino was able to start the emergency Kids Meals program and the reconfiguration of the back classroom and the piano room into Zoom meeting rooms and online/hybrid classroom. This was possible through a reimbursement mini grant offered by the Department of Economic Development and awarded on October 6, 2020.
We are preparing for the new future at Centro Latino. At this time the kitchen is producing meals for the children and we created a COVID-19 safe environment in our classroom.
There is a lot more to do but we are working with the best team of volunteers ever and things get done.
We are gearing up with an interior refresh and re-opening the community center building in 2021.
Update: Volunteers organized virtual English classes and in-person After School Program. Students and volunteers follow COVID prevention protocols including mask-wearing, physical distancing, hand-washing, staying home when sick, and taking temperature at entry.
During the Spring semester, Centro Latino volunteers coordinated the After School Program in-person in the community center.

A volunteer plants marigolds in the garden outside Centro Latino de Salud on Sunday, in Columbia. These flowers were planted along with seeds to keep the garden growing through the spring.
Centro Latino’s Kitchen continues to be a source of plant-based meals in the First Ward. Check out the latest business to cook in our commercial kitchen, Gina’s Vegan A Go Go.
Check out the latest business to cook in our commercial kitchen:

Update May 29, 2022:
Local organizer contextualizes the Memorial Day holiday for his community
Update October 2023:
Columbia community center celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
The mission of Centro Latino is to empower Latinos, Latino families and the general public through provision of services and guidance in navigating the health, education and cultural resources of mid-Missouri.
Centro Latino provides assistance to immigrants as they become acclimated to their new environment with its different laws, customs, and language. Families and individuals that contact the Centro receive orientation to the community as well as physical, mental, and social support. The Centro strives to empower Latinos to live in an environment of mutual respect that encompasses personal interaction in the community as well as appropriate treatment by, and interaction with, service providers. Centro Latino helps all Latino families regardless of national origin, religion, or immigration status.
Since its inception, Centro Latino has served hundreds of Latino individuals and families. Striving to preserve the rich Latino heritage, Centro Latino has hosted numerous convivios, dances, and holiday celebrations.
Centro Latino
Centro Latino Comedor Popular
Centro Latino Promotoras de Salud
Centro Latino Health Promoters African American Outreach
Centro Latino Prevención de la Violencia – Violence Prevention
Centro Latino Volunteers
Centro Latino CoMo Clase de Español
Centro Latino English (ESL) Classes (Clase de Ingles)